Wednesday, July 13, 2011


If I can get 35 or more fans on facebook, you guys will reap the benefits! I will randomly draw from my fans and the winner will receive an item of their choice! This could be something currently available, a past creation, or even something made just for you! SO, put the word out, TinySquish rocks! (or something to that effect) :)

Friday, July 8, 2011

Been a while...

Ok, so clearly I am not the best blogger...
It has been a crazy month or so. Between family get-togethers, bridal showers, and babysitting, I don't get much time to post or craft. I did make a slew of pieces for a local grand opening event, and have been making a bunch of girls pieces. Right now I am working on a couple onesies for a classmates of mine who just had their first child. Oh, and I tried my hand at making a dress from a tank top! That actually came out really cute. 
Really, I am supposed to be making the flowers for my sister-in-law's wedding... Every time I think about the weddings I get inspired to make something else. One of the draw backs of a creative (and frazzled) mind I guess. No worries though, Cory has offered to help! :) I just need to set aside a weekend and work on them, maybe this weekend... 
Well, I time to try and sleep some before the tornado sirens inevitably wake me up again...

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

"Old Hollywood"

So I was tasked with creating some pieces for an "Old Hollywood" themed event. This is what I have come up with so far, I am still brain storming. I think my favorite is the great-big-headband.

Friday, May 13, 2011

My baby is turning ONE!

I cannot believe that my little munchkin is turning one tomorrow! We are having a party out at the farm and I am pretty excited. I just finished her presents, 2 handmade (by mommy) t-shirts. I am in love with both of these designs, and I hope you guys like them too! If you do, contact me and I can make one for your tiny squish!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


Ok, so I feel like that is going to get annoying... But I have another batch of fun and funky pieces to share with you! I have a bunch of pieces for little girls in this one. I hope you guys like them!

Girls turquoise headband.

Girls purple plastic headband

Girls elastic headband

Infant/ toddler headband

Lunch show?

So, we are heading out to Barnesville tomorrow for lunch, and I am bringing a bunch of pieces for people to look at. Kind of like a trunk show, only a lunch show? I don't know... any way, if you happen to be in the area around lunch, come find me!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother's Day!

It's Mother's Day!
This morning I got a beautiful Willow Tree figure, and the best book ever! Now we are just waiting to see if we are needed at the Breast Cancer Awareness walk at the West Acres Mall.
I hope the rest of the mommies out there have a great day! Enjoy your time with family, and remember those we have lost.

Friday, May 6, 2011


I just finished these pieces and I am really happy with them! These are all on girls headbands, I thought it might be easier than a clip for some kids. If they are like my munchkin, though, it doesn't matter what it is, it comes out as soon as she finds it!

I still have about three custom pieces that I need to get done, pronto. The hubby is on vacation next week so I am hoping to spend some quality time in the office. So don't worry ladies, I haven't forgotten about you!  

Monday, May 2, 2011


Ok, so here is the headband that I just had to finish last night. I think it is super cute, and I hope that she likes it as much as I do!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Craft stores!

I get to make some custom pieces for a good friend. As if that isn't fun enough, we went to the craft store for supplies today! I don't think I should be allowed in a craft store unsupervised. Not only do I spend hours in there, but I also spend dollars...
Any way, we had loads of fun and got lots of great supplies. I was so excited I already finished one of the pieces! I will post a picture later. It is super cute, if I do say so my self.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

We have a winner

Congratulations to ReAnn! You are the winner of our giveaway. I am excited to make a headband for your little cutie.
If you missed out, don't worry, there will be more to come!

Sunday, April 24, 2011


I just made my first sale!! (Outside of a craft show that is...)

To celebrate I am going to give away a custom piece! Any piece. It could be one in my Etsy shop, or a custom one just for you, including onsies.

Just comment on this post and tell me what you would pick if you won! I will pick a random winner on Friday.


Happy Easter everyone! 
I just made these sweet little headbands for my family and of course Grace to rock the holiday in style. (Not that you guys don't already :D) They are super cute. I didn't think I would like the really big frilly pieces, but they look adorable on. I will post more pictures later!

Sorry for the not-so-great pictures, I snapped them quick last night.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Been a while...

Ok, so I guess I am not as good at blogging as I would like... It has been a long time since I posted anything. It has been a crazy busy month, to say the least. BUT, I think I am getting back on track. I made some super cute new pieces a couple weeks ago! I hope you like them, I will get pictures up soon.
Right now I am working on a couple requested pieces, as well as building inventory. I hope to talk to a couple people about some opportunities coming up soon. Wish me luck!
Well, if I don't get back before the weekend, have a great Easter weekend!

Saturday, March 19, 2011


OK, So I haven't gotten anything new made yet... But, I have picked up some new supplies, and we have the office/ work room all cleaned up now. I am super excited to get back to work. I have a bunch of ideas floating around in my head and can't wait to see if I can actually make them come to life!
I am starting to feel a little bit overwhelmed at the moment though. Like I said before, I have to get some pieces made for a local bridal shop. Plus, I was just invited to send some inventory with a friend to a craft show in Minot the first week in April. I would also like to get some pieces made for Etsy. And, I am putting together the arrangements for my sister in-law's wedding, as well as hairpieces for possibly both weddings this summer... My head spins just thinking about it all!
I think I just need to spend a couple nights at my little work station again, and I will get back in the swing of things. I think the worst part is all these new ideas I keep getting are distracting me from the rest of my work. My husband is home all day tomorrow, hopefully I can get some time to work on a couple pieces.
Wish me luck!

Friday, March 11, 2011


I finally got some pieces up on Etsy yesterday. I am hoping to get a bunch more put up, and also get some new pieces made!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What a weekend...

Participated in my very first craft show on Saturday. It was awesome! I was super nervous that no one would like my stuff, but we where busy all day. I sold all of my headbands, and even got a couple special orders.
I thought that I could relax a bit when it was over, but now I feel even busier. I have to get the special orders done and all my remaining pieces up on Etsy. Plus, I have to get some pieces put together for a local bridal shop! Doesn't sound like much, but a sick munchkin has put a damper in my productivity.

Friday, March 4, 2011


Unglued: Craft Fest is tomorrow!
I am trying to get everything together to load in tonight. It is really hard to focus on the display when I feel like I need to make about 200 more pieces... I guess if I run out of pieces it means people like them. That is what I will keep telling myself.
I finally got some pictures of my "PNL Purple" flowers. I was inspired to make these by my lovely neighbor Pebbles who runs the ND Project Nigh Light, a nonprofit that provides a care bag to abused children when visiting the Dr..

I also made some sweet totes for the craft fest. I am going to give these to my family to carry around. Free advertising! :D

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Holy crapanellie!

My very first craft show is in two days! I feel very unprepared.... I will be running around like a crazy person all day tomorrow. Bless my poor husband for having to put up with me! 
Wish me luck! I am off to try and get more pieces done...

Friday, February 25, 2011


Got a chance to take some pictures of my favorite pieces. A special thanks to Adrienne, Marie, and Corey!