Saturday, March 19, 2011


OK, So I haven't gotten anything new made yet... But, I have picked up some new supplies, and we have the office/ work room all cleaned up now. I am super excited to get back to work. I have a bunch of ideas floating around in my head and can't wait to see if I can actually make them come to life!
I am starting to feel a little bit overwhelmed at the moment though. Like I said before, I have to get some pieces made for a local bridal shop. Plus, I was just invited to send some inventory with a friend to a craft show in Minot the first week in April. I would also like to get some pieces made for Etsy. And, I am putting together the arrangements for my sister in-law's wedding, as well as hairpieces for possibly both weddings this summer... My head spins just thinking about it all!
I think I just need to spend a couple nights at my little work station again, and I will get back in the swing of things. I think the worst part is all these new ideas I keep getting are distracting me from the rest of my work. My husband is home all day tomorrow, hopefully I can get some time to work on a couple pieces.
Wish me luck!

Friday, March 11, 2011


I finally got some pieces up on Etsy yesterday. I am hoping to get a bunch more put up, and also get some new pieces made!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

What a weekend...

Participated in my very first craft show on Saturday. It was awesome! I was super nervous that no one would like my stuff, but we where busy all day. I sold all of my headbands, and even got a couple special orders.
I thought that I could relax a bit when it was over, but now I feel even busier. I have to get the special orders done and all my remaining pieces up on Etsy. Plus, I have to get some pieces put together for a local bridal shop! Doesn't sound like much, but a sick munchkin has put a damper in my productivity.

Friday, March 4, 2011


Unglued: Craft Fest is tomorrow!
I am trying to get everything together to load in tonight. It is really hard to focus on the display when I feel like I need to make about 200 more pieces... I guess if I run out of pieces it means people like them. That is what I will keep telling myself.
I finally got some pictures of my "PNL Purple" flowers. I was inspired to make these by my lovely neighbor Pebbles who runs the ND Project Nigh Light, a nonprofit that provides a care bag to abused children when visiting the Dr..

I also made some sweet totes for the craft fest. I am going to give these to my family to carry around. Free advertising! :D

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Holy crapanellie!

My very first craft show is in two days! I feel very unprepared.... I will be running around like a crazy person all day tomorrow. Bless my poor husband for having to put up with me! 
Wish me luck! I am off to try and get more pieces done...