Tuesday, May 29, 2012

One Week Down...

One to go! 

When we were doing the math it was going to be 3 weeks before Cory could come home and get us, somehow it only feels like two-ish now... He has actually been gone for 11 days already, but since he "reported" last Monday and it is only Tuesday now it only seems like a week? I don't really know, it is all kind of running together already... We have been so busy it is hard to keep it all straight. All I know is he will be home in 7 days, and that makes me happy!

We had our first appraisal today. I was super nervous and stressed out over it and it was just 20 minutes of two guys (he was training his nephew) stepping into each room, taking a picture and some notes, and looking at the yard. I don't really know what I was so stressed about! We have another one on Thursday. That one is earlier in the day, so I can enjoy the rest of the day and not freak out every time Grace tosses a toy on the floor or spills her juice.

With all of the cleaning, scrubbing, cooking for the helpers, FaceTiming with Daddy, and cleaning some more, I have been too exhausted to do anything crafty. It just felt wrong... So I busted out the sewing machine again tonight and started a couple projects, just don't tell my M-I-L... she would have my head! I have had several projects rolling around in my head for "when I get some time" and since that never happened, I decided to forgo the early bedtime and get some of them going.

Ever since someone gave Grace one of the little pillow pets I have wanted to make some little travel pillows for us grown-ups (mostly myself...) to take on the long ride. Since we are leaving in just over a week I thought I better get started... I had some flannel left over from other projects and decided that would be perfect for these.

I really just eyeballed what I thought would be a good size, cut, and sewed. I am pretty sure my seams are crooked, but once you stuff them you won't really notice. Plus, I don't really mind, it is just going to catch my drool for 9 hours, its nothing fancy!

The other project I started was kind of a test run, of sorts, for a dress I am thinking about making for myself. I found THIS really cute, and easy to make, maxi dress, and THIS super cute maternity dress that I really want to make. (I don't usually wear dresses or skirts, but for some reason I am all about it this year...) I have really only done small scale projects; kids clothes, small stuffies, and pillows, so to sew a women's-plus-sized-maternity dress is a little scary to me. OK, alot scary... So, I thought that I would test out a Grace sized version of the maxi dress first.

I grabbed an old T-shirt that we had donated to the Make-Grace-Awesome-Nerdy-Clothes pile, this time it was GOONIES! I laid a shirt that fit her well on top of it and cut it down to a rectangle about the width of her shirt (including the sleeves) and the length of the old shirt (from below the neck-line to the hem) and from there followed the instructions in Katy's tutorial.

Since I didn't think Grace would put up with a belt of any kind I added a piece of elastic just under the "sleeves" of the dress, so that it will still have a nice shape to it. I used some of the fold over elastic I had bought for headbands so it would be nice and soft on her tumm. Never one to measure first, I went ahead and sewed in the elastic without trying it on her, now I am a little nervous it wont hit her right... She seams to love anything Mommy makes for her though, and surprisingly, so does Cory, so I am not too worried about it. I still don't know if I am ready to tackle a project of MY proportions yet, but we will see...

I will try to post pictures of Grace modeling her sweet new Goonies dress, and the finished pillows in the next few days. If anyone has any questions on either project, please, feel free to ask!

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Daddy is off to Montana

We sent Cory off to Montana this morning... It pretty much sucked. I made him caramel rolls from scratch (kinda) since they are his favorite, but he was too nervous to eat :( I felt bad since I know he was hanging around until they were ready. We were both pretty stressed. We ended up arguing over the best way to pack his cooler... earth shattering decision, I know! He won,... he is the one driving 9+ hours all by himself today...

Before he left he told me to go ahead and chop off Grace's hair. We had been talking about it, and she wasn't feeling well this past week and he thought it would help keep her cool.  I know it sounds silly, but that is the first thing I did after he left. I even sent him pictures on the road. I think he was happy I did though, he called after every picture (don't txt and drive!) to tell me what he thought. He also called about an hour into the trip to tell me that he couldn't hear his book on tape over the road noise... boo to that!

There is still alot to do around here... We have to fix up a few things around the house, little stuff like touch up paint or replace switch plate covers. We might have to add some back-fill all the way around the outside and possibly update some of the wiring. I am NOT looking forward to that! I am crossing my fingers that doesn't need to be done...

Luckily I have lots of family and friends in town to help me out while Cory is gone, and hopefully Grace and I will be able to join him in a few weeks. We had planned on going out there after my 5 month checkup on June 7th, but they have scheduled me for an additional visit to check my thyroid levels on the 28th of June... I thought that I would be fine if I had to stay back longer, but as soon as we got to the car I lost it ...  We are going to see if I can find doctors in Montana right away so we can still go up at the beginning of the month.

For now Grace just thinks daddy went to work... I think it will be a couple days before she starts to realize he isn't here and get upset. I am not looking forward to that... I get my iphone on Monday, I'm hoping face time and lots of pictures back and forth will help everyone handle the next few weeks a little better...

Monday, May 7, 2012

I should really be cleaning...

Wow, where to begin... a lot has happened in the last few months. I think the last time I posted anything was leading up to the Unglued: Craft Fest in February. It was a blast, we had lots of fun! There were so many talented vendors, I felt lucky to be a part of it!

The morning after the show we found out that I was once again squishy! Yay, Tiny squish #2 is on the way! So, with all the excitement, and resulting exhaustion, I decided to take a short break. Needless to say it turned into a long break... Turns out it was not the late nights prepping for the show that had me so exhausted. This time around pregnancy was kicking my ass! For the first few months Grace and I had the same bedtime... going to bed around 7:30 meant I was sleeping away prime crafting time, and frankly, I was too tired to care.

I was just starting to get some energy back this last couple weeks or so, but right when I was starting to feel crafty again we got more big news...

We were being transferred to Billings. Montana. So it just seemed kind of silly to get all involved and knee deep in fabric and buttons when I was going to have to pack it all up in a couple weeks anyway. Yeah, I said weeks. We found out on the first and he reports on the 21st... eeesh.  So rather than crafting, I will be cleaning and packing with my new found energy. Emphasis on the cleaning... I am not a very good housekeeper and I have to pre-clean before my mother-in-law can come help me clean. She will be here tomorrow

So, there it is. That is what I have been doing the last few months, growing a baby and more recently, stressing out majorly. Thanks for you understanding, I hope I haven't lost any fans with my absence. I will do my best to keep everyone up to date on the major happenings here in the Squish house. The one plus side to all of this is that Cory is finally willing to spend the money on smart phones! So once I get mine I can post pictures ( I miss my camera!) and updates on the go. I might be more excited than I really should be for my phone... Its the little things in life.