Monday, May 7, 2012

I should really be cleaning...

Wow, where to begin... a lot has happened in the last few months. I think the last time I posted anything was leading up to the Unglued: Craft Fest in February. It was a blast, we had lots of fun! There were so many talented vendors, I felt lucky to be a part of it!

The morning after the show we found out that I was once again squishy! Yay, Tiny squish #2 is on the way! So, with all the excitement, and resulting exhaustion, I decided to take a short break. Needless to say it turned into a long break... Turns out it was not the late nights prepping for the show that had me so exhausted. This time around pregnancy was kicking my ass! For the first few months Grace and I had the same bedtime... going to bed around 7:30 meant I was sleeping away prime crafting time, and frankly, I was too tired to care.

I was just starting to get some energy back this last couple weeks or so, but right when I was starting to feel crafty again we got more big news...

We were being transferred to Billings. Montana. So it just seemed kind of silly to get all involved and knee deep in fabric and buttons when I was going to have to pack it all up in a couple weeks anyway. Yeah, I said weeks. We found out on the first and he reports on the 21st... eeesh.  So rather than crafting, I will be cleaning and packing with my new found energy. Emphasis on the cleaning... I am not a very good housekeeper and I have to pre-clean before my mother-in-law can come help me clean. She will be here tomorrow

So, there it is. That is what I have been doing the last few months, growing a baby and more recently, stressing out majorly. Thanks for you understanding, I hope I haven't lost any fans with my absence. I will do my best to keep everyone up to date on the major happenings here in the Squish house. The one plus side to all of this is that Cory is finally willing to spend the money on smart phones! So once I get mine I can post pictures ( I miss my camera!) and updates on the go. I might be more excited than I really should be for my phone... Its the little things in life.

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