Saturday, May 19, 2012

Daddy is off to Montana

We sent Cory off to Montana this morning... It pretty much sucked. I made him caramel rolls from scratch (kinda) since they are his favorite, but he was too nervous to eat :( I felt bad since I know he was hanging around until they were ready. We were both pretty stressed. We ended up arguing over the best way to pack his cooler... earth shattering decision, I know! He won,... he is the one driving 9+ hours all by himself today...

Before he left he told me to go ahead and chop off Grace's hair. We had been talking about it, and she wasn't feeling well this past week and he thought it would help keep her cool.  I know it sounds silly, but that is the first thing I did after he left. I even sent him pictures on the road. I think he was happy I did though, he called after every picture (don't txt and drive!) to tell me what he thought. He also called about an hour into the trip to tell me that he couldn't hear his book on tape over the road noise... boo to that!

There is still alot to do around here... We have to fix up a few things around the house, little stuff like touch up paint or replace switch plate covers. We might have to add some back-fill all the way around the outside and possibly update some of the wiring. I am NOT looking forward to that! I am crossing my fingers that doesn't need to be done...

Luckily I have lots of family and friends in town to help me out while Cory is gone, and hopefully Grace and I will be able to join him in a few weeks. We had planned on going out there after my 5 month checkup on June 7th, but they have scheduled me for an additional visit to check my thyroid levels on the 28th of June... I thought that I would be fine if I had to stay back longer, but as soon as we got to the car I lost it ...  We are going to see if I can find doctors in Montana right away so we can still go up at the beginning of the month.

For now Grace just thinks daddy went to work... I think it will be a couple days before she starts to realize he isn't here and get upset. I am not looking forward to that... I get my iphone on Monday, I'm hoping face time and lots of pictures back and forth will help everyone handle the next few weeks a little better...

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