Friday, February 3, 2012

Cupcakes and Clippies

 I was having a bad day yesterday and asked the hubby to bring me home a sweet treat, and THIS is what he brought me!


They are almost too cute to eat... almost. Grace thought the rings where like the apple and she could just hand it back and get more "deepy!" or in this case, frosting. It might have worked on me once...

I made a bunch more ribbon clippies last night. I think they are adorable, and just in time for Valentine's Day! I made lots of other bright and springy ones too. I will be bringing them all with me to the Red Raven's Makers' Market tomorrow night, I hope to see you there! It sounds like there will be lots of great vendors this week; everything from homemade jam, wearables, and artwork, to body lotion. I am excited to see all the goodies!

The big Craft Fest is just around the corner, and I am starting to freak out a little. I am a truly skilled procrastinator, and have been finding lots of other projects to do rather than stocking up for the show... however, I am in full panic mode swing now,  and ready to get down to work. It is going to be a long couple of weeks making up for wasted time, but I always seem to do well in a pinch. I have lots of neat pieces in mind and I think we are going to swing by the craft store tomorrow to pick up some buttons I have had my eye on. It is always fun shopping for supplies with Cory because I get way more than if I had gone by myself! :)

Well, I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Come see us at the Red Raven tomorrow night, I will be bringing the hubby again! :D

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