Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Been a while...

 Yikes! It has been a while, sorry guys. I was busy playing PIRATES!

 There is alot to talk about, so I will just get right to it! We have been using the dryer sheets for a couple weeks now and we really like them. I found several different tutorials on making and using them and sort of picked bits and pieces from each. 
For the sheet themselves I cut up scraps of flannel (bright turquoise with pink flamingos! That way we would see them) and ran a quick over locking stitch on them just to catch any frayed edges.
This batch I used a store bought fabric softener that I happened to have laying around the laundry room. If you want to make your completely from scratch you can find a recipe here. I used 1/2 cup fabric softener and 1 cup water. I mixed it up and soaked my sheets of flannel in it and then set them out to dry overnight. Once they are dry you can just toss them in the dryer with you clothes!
One sheet works on most loads, but if I do a big load or one with fleecy  things I use two. I am only getting one use out of each sheet. I think if you increased the amount of fabric softener they would last longer and work on larger loads. A couple people said they put the sheets in wet, one spritzes a scrap right before she starts the dryer. There are lots of ways to do it, this is just the one I chose to try.

I got in some super cool COLORED headbands the other day! As you can see, Grace couldn't keep her hands off them! I am really excited to see what I can make with them, I already used a couple and I love how they came out. We were starting to wonder if they were ever going to come, then we realized they were coming form Thailand!

It cost 102 baht to ship! 

I wanted to share my two new favorites this week.
Lately I have been saving every possible container and it is driving my husband absolutely crazy. He throws them away if he does the dishes... he thinks I don't notice, but I totally do. One of my favorite things ever is mason jars. LOVE them. I have been collecting them like crazy waiting for the perfect project. 

Well, last week I put them to use... as drinking glasses. This is nothing new I know, and I may be letting my red-neck show a little, but I don't care. Cory thinks it is ridiculous, and makes fun of me every time. The best one is the Ragu, it is nice and big. :D

My other new favorite is this amazing dip I found on Pinterest. It is super simple, delicious, and great for the kids (if you feel like sharing, that is.) 

All you do is mix 1/2 cup peanut butter, 1/2 cup yogurt, and 1/4 cup powdered sugar. Easy as that! My favorite is on apples, but it is great on just about anything. Grace loves it, she sucks it off the apple and hands it back to me for more "deepy."

We ran to Target today... not wise, I always end up getting more that I plan there. Today I found these adorable shoes for Grace and some amazing tube socks!

For $7.50 how can you pass these up??

 Aren't these the most amazing socks-soon-to-be-leggings you ever saw?!

I found a tute on turning socks into leggings so I thought I would grab a pair and give it a try. I think Grace picked out the coolest pair they had! I can't remember where I saw the tutorial, but I will tell you how I made mine if they work.

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