Monday, January 9, 2012

Getting Ready

I will have a booth at the Unglued: Craft Fest again this year! I am super excited. We were putting our order together for supplies last night, and I couldn't help feeling a little guilty. I always feel a little guilty when I get supplies, like we should be spending the money on something else. Today I spent a good 5 minutes in the hair aisle at Target debating on whether I should get 2 packs of headbands or just 1... I eventually decided on 2, but I took me the whole 5 minutes, and I doubted myself all the way to the register.
I think we are going to order something like $50 in supplies and it just kills me to spend that much, especially in one shot. We need all of it though. My husband is the one who kept adding items to the shopping cart! He is super supportive, and always offering his advice (solicited or not,) and that makes it much easier to continue crafting away. In the car yesterday he was listing off all these different shows and places to try and sell my craftiness. I think he has my whole summer planned out!
I will try to keep posting and adding pictures as I get things completed. Feel free to let me know if there is anything you think I should stock up on, or try out!

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