Sunday, January 15, 2012

Crafting with my Kiddo!

Every once in a while someone will give Grace a dollar, and she is starting to get excited about it, so I thought it was time for her to have a piggy bank. I had a plain white one sitting around that I had bought with the intentions to paint for a friend's baby, sorry Maddi.... So I used that and some bright craft paints I also had laying around and let her loose!

She was super excited to get to paint, she loves it! She was even more excited when I told her she could paint the piggy. :D

I kept trying to turn him so she could paint all  the way around, but she was really focused on his face. She really liked painting his "noo" or nose.

She thought his swirly tail was a nose too... I am starting to think that green is her favorite color, no matter how many colors where on the trey and how I turned it, she still picked green.

 The finished piggy! She is so proud, she points him out every time we walk past him now. :D

She was so into the painting she didn't want to stop! So I got out some construction paper and let her keep going until Daddy got home. All things cease when Daddy gets home... its kind of a big deal. So, we proudly showed off our handy work to a very impressed Daddy. A good way to end a good day.

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