Tuesday, November 20, 2012

not dead, just un-dead

Hey there. Just thought I should let you know Im still alive! Well kind of... are zombies alive? They aren't dead, and they do still eat and breath... Yes, I will go with Im still alive, just "zombie-ish." 

It has been a crazy few weeks. I can't believe Tiny is already a month old! Where has the time gone?! I am definately not sleeping it away... She really likes to eat, alot, and at just the right time to mess up any possibility of sleeping. I do manage to catch a few Zs in the recliner, or rather they knock me upside the head... I tend to fall asleep there alot. It is not so great for my neck and back, but at least it is sleep right?

Grace is an awesome big sister! Most of the time, that is... She definitely feels a bit left out at times. I am trying to sure I do things with just Grace, but it is still a bit of a struggle. For now she settles for the occasional double snuggle with little sister, or getting tucked in for bed if I'm not feeding Emma.

 I haven't done any projects yet. I feel so lazy! I also feel like, from a business perspective, I am missing out big time on the holiday season. I had planned to send a ton of wreaths and hair pieces to Unglued for the holiday, but at this point I don't think I will get much done in time. I picked up some more Christmas-y ribbon for clippies and hope to get those put together one evening. I also have a ton of ideas that I really want to try and put together, so hopefully we will hit our stride soon and I can get back to work. 
I know I promised pictures of Grace's Busy Book, (it is anything but quiet, she gets all excited and tells you all about what she is doing) and I haven't forgotten. I will still try to get them up at some point.

I hope you all enjoy your family on Thanksgiving!

PS:Thanks again for your understanding, and if there is something that you would like me to make, please do not hesitate to ask! I would be glad to do it, I just may need a little more time than usual.

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